My mission is to take you by the hand on a journey of intrinsic healing wisdom, to the place where you will find the new you.

Hi everyone, 

My name is Esra, I am a science based nutritional therapist and have a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. I studied at ION (Institute for Optimum Nutrition) in the UK and currently studying with IFM (Institute of Functional Medicine) in the USA. I am a member of BANT (British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine) and registered with CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council).

I am so interested in the language of our genes, how they communicate information linked to our symptoms and any present or future diseases. Therefore, I am studying a Nutrigenomic programme with Lifecode GX; this is exciting for me, to discover the unknown.  

In order to reach our optimum health, I believe we can begin to heal ourselves in body, mind, emotions and in spirit, by way of diet and lifestyle change.

Finding the root causes of the symptoms that clients have is important to the healing process. Individually we are all different one to another. Therefore, personalised diet and lifestyle plans are the key to the beginning of understanding of our health journeys.

My niche is gut and mitochondrial health. Many diseases emanate from gut problems giving rise to symptoms such as weight gain, bloating, skin problems, fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, joint pains etc. Mitochondrial health is central to the function and production of energy the body needs, maintaining a healthy cardiovascular function and controlling the aging process. Today, comprehensive testing gives us the ability to understand individual health issues; my practice includes laboratory testing if it is needed. 

Nutritional therapy is relevant whether we have health problems or not, because it can improve the wellbeing of any of us. For time and place convenience my consultations are held online with individual clients. 

This is your health journey, and I would be pleased to be a part of that journey and work with you. 

Wishing everyone a healthy present and future. 

Esra Soylucicek

My Philosophy

My logo represents four elements in the human existence, body, mind, emotions and soul.  Likewise, there are four basic elements found in nature which are earth, fire, air and water. Understanding what each element represents, helps us evaluate where our individual strengths and weaknesses are. 


When we were born, we were whole in body, mind, emotion and soul. 


But through the years and changing circumstances we tend to compromise some elements in favour of one. We need to reunite all of these elements, so we function healthily, and our overall wellbeing is improved. This is the foundation on which we build and fulfil our dreams. 

My logo represents four elements in the human existence, body, mind, emotions and soul.  Likewise, there are four basic elements found in nature which are earth, fire, air and water. Understanding what each element represents, helps us evaluate where our individual strengths and weaknesses are. 

When we were born, we were whole in body, mind, emotion and soul. 

But through the years and changing circumstances we tend to compromise some elements in favour of one. We need to reunite all of these elements, so we function healthily, and our overall wellbeing is improved. This is the foundation on which we build and fulfil our dreams. 


The body is the foundation of our physical existence. Healthy, nutrient rich, organic food maintains physical function, this is the source of the quality of life. The richness of our physical life is determined by epigenetics – how our behaviours and environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes work, food we eat, what we drink, how much we sleep and what else we do in everyday life- the way we treat our bodies and level of exercise. The body and brain are interdependent, connected, via the gut- brain axis; how each respond and function is dependent on the other.


Earth represents grounding, the foundation of life, substance, connection to life path, and family roots. Earth is as our mother, nourishes us with her nutrients and these nutrients are functioning in each cell to bring vitality. In nature there are cycles for example day and night, seasons, moon phases. Likewise, we have biological cycles such as the circadian rhythm, which determines our sleep patterns or hormonal cycles which influences our mood and behaviour. As the earth mothers us and cares for us, so too we should care for our body temple as well for celebrating every cell in our body.


The mind is where decisions are executed, and where connections are made to our biology via neurophysiology pathways; these transmit information and control body functions. We are human and face millions of challenges in our lives. We can face any circumstances in any of life phases, but only strong mindset can beat the darkness to help us to reach the light. Doesn’t matter where you are now but you might want to defeat a disease or lose weight; you might just want to find the purpose of your life. Your mind can turn from being a prison where you lose yourself to be a paradise creating endless opportunities. We are all marvellous and have the power to change what we want to change. Once your mind is committed to a path, stick to it. If you are going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t start.


Air represents intellect, mental intention, and connection to universal life force. The air- wind- can be calm like a gentle breeze or rapid-stormy like a tornado and similarly, in the various levels of our experience, the thoughts generated by our minds can be blissful, peaceful and calm or stormy, wild, distracting and scattered. For example, when the ‘winds’ of our mind are calm, we think clearly, and we find the right solutions to any problem but when the ‘winds’ of our mind are stormy we create a big issue out of the small problems, and we tend to make the problem more complicated than it is. We need to cultivate our thought patterns to bring coherence, positivity in everything we do. Seek peace rather than chaos and enjoy the calm breeze rather than storm.
Moreover, within the body, air (oxygen) is the basis of all energy transfer reactions. As we breathe air, our bodies use oxygen from the air to create energy, build cells and maintain healthy body functions. Without oxygen, we are nothing- cannot live.


Life is not linear; it is a dynamic connection. Sometimes it is difficult to understand how everything is connected, one to the other. The soul, our spirit, is the unseen force that ties all the elements together. This energy is the miracle to manifest whatever we want to achieve or to make our dreams true. It is not about forcing anything we do; it is trusting in the energy of the soul and of the universe, because this is greater than us.


As Shakespeare said “There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”

This is art of sailing rather than art of rowing. You know wind will take you to the right destination.


Fire represents energy, a tool for transformation, connection to personal power, and inner strength.
Within our bodies, fire (energy) is most evident in the process of nourishment, in which foods are transformed into energy that the body needs. In turn, this energy enables the body and mind to function efficiently. Fire, or energy, binds atoms together and converts food to fat (stored energy) and muscle.

The body’s ‘fire’ transforms the food you eat into energy through a process of digestion, which allows the body to gain nutrients and the energy it needs. Also, we use this ‘fire’ energy to combine with our minds and to transform ourselves into whatever we choose to be.

This philosophy underlies my therapeutic approach which I want to share with others and to help them realise that through beneficial nutritional therapy change in health is always possible, improving the body, enlivening the mind, understanding of our emotions, and awakening a sense that we are also spiritual creatures.


Emotions are a natural and important part of our human existence. Nothing makes emotion unique, just smiling at each other or feeling angry is universal- in any corner of the world. We have many emotional circuits in our brain, and each is said to cause a distinct set of changes and are unique, like our fingerprint. Neurotransmitters are our hormones in our body such as serotonin, dopamine, epinephrin or cortisol and are linked to create emotional responses.

Happiness, anger, excitement, fear they are all connected with our biological and neurological system and can raise blood pressure and heartbeat rates or calm us down. They are not triggered; our life events create them. When we are aware of our daily emotions, we can understand them in a better way. We will then be able to bring empathy and maturity, improve emotional intelligence and our personal and social relationships.


Water represents emotional release, intuition, and inner reflection. Like water emotions and tears can flow uncontrollably and have a powerful influence on both our body and mind. Also, they can prompt us to reflect on some life events. They can express our happiness, a joyful event- new relationship, wedding party, birth of a child- and cause us to celebrate. Sadness can be expressed through relationship breakdown, rejection, business failure or loss of our loved ones. The balance of our emotions can influence our health and behaviour. Emotional trauma can impact on our minds decision making. For example, comfort eating to console ourselves by consuming more carbs or sweet foods that are not good for our bodies. If we gain wisdom from emotional turmoil, it gives us intuition, insight, into our life circumstances and helps us to rationalise our behaviour and bring the best for ourselves.


This philosophy underlies my therapeutic approach which I want to share with others and to help them realise that through beneficial nutritional therapy change in health is always possible, improving the body, enlivening the mind, understanding of our emotions, and awakening a sense that we are also spiritual creatures.