online nutritional clinic

Your health is my top priority.Let me guide you through the doorway to a healthier, happier you!

Have you ever thought about the importance of personalised nutrition for your health?

It is easy to be confused by the array of health advice available to you when looking to improve your health. You may experience unexplained health issues, not feeling yourself, low energy, lack of motivation, struggling with everyday life.


Now, it is time to find the root causes and become the new you. We are all unique and our relationships with foods are different. To achieve the improvement you are looking for, I will support you on your journey to better health and wellness, through balanced nutrition that works for your body; I am your guide.


Time and health are our biggest riches in life.

Esra Soylucicek, Registered Nutritional Therapist
(dipION, mBANT, rCNHC)

My Packages

Healing is a destination;
how each of us get there, is different.

Deep Dive
Get Lighter
Be Stronger
Stay Younger

You can also watch my interview on YouTube!

How it works?

All consultations are online (via zoom), you will save time and be able to give all your attention to your health progress. Many health conditions involve several factors, such as genetic, environmental and our daily lifestyle choices. Therefore, it takes a long research time to understand your specific past and present body symptoms, making a connection with your daily habits.


Packages are aimed to match your personal health concerns and includes minimum one initial consultation and follow up. Your program might be supported by functional laboratory tests in order to understand the real picture of what is going on in your body. Your programme may include supplements to help accelerate your healing time.

About me

I’ve always been so fascinated about living healthily, enjoying the flavour in foods, finding my natural happiness, increasing my energy and potential, to reach the best version of me.


After having health problems, I experienced many times the right quality of nutrients which increase my energy, speed of thinking, improve my concentration and other symptoms. Whereas wrong food choices lower my mood and cause flare ups of my autoimmune condition. Therefore, nutrition is a great passion for me, going beyond eating good foods and making links between nutrition and my health. However, I continue to dive into the science to find the connection between the food and my body.


This passion led me to enrol for four years with the highly respected Institute for Optimum Nutrition and then continued studies with the Functional Medicine Institute in the US.


I have been learning and discovering, more and more every day. This knowledge helps me to solve the jigsaw of how food impacts on our human, fascinating, complex biology and physiology. Understanding this enables me to help you to achieve the balance that improves your health and wellbeing.


Working with me will help you to look at your health from a different perspective and understand your body with a different awareness. If you want to know more, book a free discovery call with me.

My Philosophy

Click on the icon of any element to watch the video

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance, and individual care. In my nutritional practice I use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns.


I support the client with high quality and phytonutrient diversity, which is important to address clinical imbalances and move people toward the highest expression of health.


I never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice and if it is necessary, I always refer any client to their medical professional.


I will also frequently work alongside a medical professional and will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client’s care, to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided. My nutritional therapy uses a functional medicine and science-based evidence model with a holistic approach.

What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine determines how and why poor health and symptoms occur in our bodies and what imbalances might cause these problems. For each individual, this approach restores health by addressing the root causes rather than quick fix solutions.


Functional medicine is a science evidence- based approach, individualised and client centred.


The functional medicine approach needs a detailed understanding of each client’s health timeline- from birth to the present day, family health history, biochemical, genetic, and lifestyle factors. This knowledge is used to compile personalised treatment plans to improve the outcome for clients.

Evidence -Based Medicine

The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.

Why a Personalised Programme?

Five years ago, when I decided to study nutritional therapy, chemistry was the first lecture. At this time, I was looking at the periodic table but beyond just chemistry.


I was so fascinated to find that different connections and reactions in 118 elements that create our genes also create all life, and that it goes beyond the cosmos. We are all biochemically different, living organisms. We are all unique, individual, and our relationship and reaction to each food is not the same.


How is it possible that the same program would make you and me better?

In reality, there is no one fits all approach and in fact we need a personalised programme, just specific for us and our needs.

Everything about our health
begins within in the gut

My niches are gut health and the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell) health. After having autoimmunity, I discovered the importance of my gut health to my whole life and way of living. Balanced gut health provides us the immunity, the energy, good shape and glowing skin, our happy mood, healing, and nutrition that we need day by day. 


If your gut is not working properly, then all problems start there. The recent science research indicates that obesity, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Alzheimer disease and depression are linked with unbalanced gut microbiome. (Hu et al., 2016) *


Poor gut function not only impacts our current health but also the quality and length of our lifetime. Personally, I am very interested in longevity. I don’t mind how long I am going to be on this planet. However, I do care about quality of my life while I am still here and want to express the best version of me in every decade of my remaining time. 


Our life span, energy levels and the health of our body cells are reliant on the mitochondria. Also, the health and function of the mitochondria is linked to a healthy microbiome and vice versa. 

If you are suffering any of the conditions and symptoms below, just take advantage of your free 15 minutes call and we can discuss it.

Gut Conditions

  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • IBD (irritable bowel disease)
  • Difficulties or problems with bowel movement
  • Fatigue

Cognitive, mood and neurological conditions

  • Insomnia
  • Brain fog, memory issues, mood swings
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Headache or migraine
  • Numbness

Skin Conditions

  • Dermatitis
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Allergies
Reference List
*Hu, X., Wang, T. and Jin, F. (2016) “Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbiota,” Science China Life Sciences, 59(10), pp. 1006–1023. Available at:

Download your free guide
how to control blood sugar

Blood sugar imbalance is a major problem behind many of our symptoms and conditions. It has a role in unbalanced microbiome (Sharma & Tripathi, 2019) * such as unwanted feeding of yeast in our bodies and the ageing process. (Supabphol et al., 2021) **

Reference List
*Hu, X., Wang, T. and Jin, F. (2016) “Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbiota,” Science China Life Sciences, 59(10), pp. 1006–1023. Available at:

15 minutes discovery call calendar

Discovery call is a chance for us to talk together and discuss your health goals and what you want to achieve. It is also a chance for you to ask questions. This gives both of us the opportunity to decide on a plan to improve your health and wellbeing and which service plan is appropriate for your health and wellbeing improvement / healing journey.


Having decided together on your personal one to one plan we can begin to work on it.


Iram Ali Accountant

I am very happy with my results from consuming delicious healthy meals. I was desperate to lose 20kg, especially after my two pregnancies, but nothing really worked until someone recommended one that ticked all the boxes. Her passion and focus on gut health is the key and truly inspiring and motivating.